Imagine a lush forest, home to over 40 rare species of native wildlife. Discover Zealandia Te Māra a Tāne – an ecosanctuary in the heart of Wellington.
Discover ZEALANDIA, the world’s first fenced eco-sanctuary, located only a ten-minute drive from Wellington’s CBD. Visit the picturesque sanctuary and award-winning interactive exhibition and learn about how they are protecting New Zealand’s unique native species and ecosystems.
The ultimate way to experience New Zealand’s rare and amazing wildlife! Join an experienced guide on an engaging and informative walk through the picturesque sanctuary to witness the native wildlife that is once again living on the mainland. With everything in ZEALANDIA living wild, your nature-guru guides will use their knowledge of birdsong, habitats, and local flora to track down even the rarest of these unique animals.
New Zealand has some of the most unique biodiversity and advanced conservation techniques in the world. Soak up the beautiful scenery while learning more about our unique ecological history.