Discover the depths of the world renowned Aoraki Mackenzie International Dark Sky Reserve from purpose-built stargazing observation craters, which are sheltered from the cold wind and light pollution.

Explore the endless Southern skies from a private observatory dome, and through powerful 14” telescopes, observe planets, galaxies and the depths of the Milky Way. Every night sky beholds something different, often visible through the naked eye, your professional astronomy guides use handheld lasers to showcase the best of the evolving night sky.

The Crater Experience runs for 1 hour 15 minutes and includes transport to and from Cowan’s Private Observatory, the use of ECW (Extreme Cold Weather jackets) [Please note: Dark SKY Project are unable to provide ECW Jackets during Covid-19 Red and Orange Framework levels], the direction of expert astronomy guides and guided viewing through powerful telescopes.

The outdoor nature of the Crater Experience makes it a weather dependent activity.

Why is it Chuffed Worthy?

Did you know that millions of people across the world will never see a star, due to the massive amounts of light pollution globally? In New Zealand, we are fortunate enough to be home to some of the worlds darkest skies, and Dark Sky Project is on a mission to help people appreciate this by connecting the sky above them via scientific & cultural experiences. So much more than just looking up at the sky!

Crater Night Sky Experience

Visit the Dark Sky Sanctuary at Lake Tekapo for an informative introductory stargazing experience with expert astrology guides.
3 Hours
2 Adults


Experience provided by

Important Information
  • Book in advance to avoid disappointment
  • Minimum age 5 years.
  • Please book well in advance as this experience sells out.
  • Tour time varies depending on sunset time.
  • Extreme cold weather jackets are provided in winter.

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